About the Feldenkrais Method
![Feldenkrais Method at Barnet Tradepost](https://www.barnettradepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/PastedGraphic-1.png)
A different way to relieve years of back pain.
The Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education uses movement and real-time body awareness of your own body sensations to guide students toward the positive changes you seek. Students explore odd, low impact movements that stimulate the brain to create new neural pathways that enable optimal movement patterns and function (neuroplasticity).
The Feldenkrais Method was developed over 40 years of research by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. He was a scientist and an athlete, as well as one of the first Europeans to earn a black belt in Judo. He applied his rigorous scientific approach and decades of research in physics, neuroscience, biomechanics, learning theory, and human development to formulate his methods.
Feldenkrais® can be experienced in two ways – through AwarenessThrough Movement® classes or in private Functional Integration® lessons.
In group Awareness Through Movement® lessons, the Feldenkrais teacher talks students through precisely structured sequence of movements in basic positions: sitting or lying on the floor, standing or sitting in a chair. Private Feldenkrais lessons, called Functional Integration® lessons, are personalized for each student.
Writers, meditators, martial artists, athletes, musicians, visual artists and others have found that Awareness Through Movement® opens up new vistas. The Method has offered people with chronic pain new movement options that make daily movements more manageable.
![Moshe Feldenkrais, martial artist, creator of this modality](https://www.barnettradepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/moshe_feldenkrais.jpg)
Moshe Feldenkrais, martial artist, creator of this modality
“Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant” – Moshe Feldenkrais
Awareness Through Movement (ATM) Group Classes
Feldenkrais Method® group classes are known as Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) lessons. Each lesson is a guided exploration of odd, unconventional movements structured to bring awareness to ineffective habits and stimulate the nervous system to discover new ways of using the body.
ATM is low-impact to the extreme: the less you do the more effectively you learn. In this form, the teacher talks during the rests, and there a many rests (so that your nervous system and absorb new information.) But don’t underestimate the potential of small and subtle to transform the way you do things you love.
Students may lie on the floor with a padded mat, sit on a chair or stool, and sometimes stand. No experience is necessary, only curiosity and a willingness to explore within. Dress comfortably.
See Activities & Events page for upcoming classes and workshops.
![Feldenkrais Method® group classes are known as Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) lessons.](https://www.barnettradepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ATM_Floor_D4.jpeg)
Functional Integration (FI) Private Lessons
Feldenkrais Method® private sessions, known as Functional Integration®® (FI®) lessons, help students go deeper into developing their body awareness, with the focus on finding ways to do the things they love to do more easily and comfortably.
FI lessons leverage the nervous system’s innate ability to learn. In a typical private lesson, the student lies fully clothed on a low, padded table; various props provide additional comfort and support. (When appropriate, students might alternatively sit or kneel.) The Feldenkrais teacher’s gentle touch guides the student to recognize and release non-productive movement patterns, and suggests new, more comfortable, efficient, and useful movement options.
Lessons last approximately 1 hour. First time students should plan on an introductory 90-minute “getting to know you session.” Most people find that three sessions provide enough information to decide if the Feldenkrais Method works for them.
Click here to schedule an appointment with Jacki
![Fuctional Integration - private feldenkrais lessons at Barnet Tradepost](https://www.barnettradepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/FI_Lesson_H8.jpeg)
About Jacki Katzman
Jacki Katzman is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Method® Awareness Through Movement® Teacher and Practitioner. She says: Practicing Awareness through Movement is about doing the things you love better, no matter your age or condition. I’m slowing down and becoming my own best yoga, ski and music coach.
![Jackie Katzman, Feldenkrais practitioner at Barnet tradepost](https://www.barnettradepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Jacki-Standing-cropped.png)
Servicemarks of The Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®, ATM®, FI℠, GCFPCM..